Its strange that when I was thinking of creating a blog and which had been lingering for over a quarter now- Not the whisky quarter but the yearly one, I had these bunch of ideas each popping up like the Pop corns every second but now when I have it I have no idea where to start. So I start blabbering. Some skeptic equate it to trash but with due respect I beg to differ with you SIR. Blabbering helps. Surely it does help. It makes you start from nothing; When you have nowhere to go. The biggest problem that we lazy asses have is that we do not start. We keep on planning and procrastinating and weaving those dreams that we soon lose the track and end up doing exactly those thing which we should not.. Its just like leaving the cigarette every morning. We start the day with a choked throat and promise ourselves 'No More'. Once hour passes. Some might deny it politely when offered. The next hour we keep reminding -No NO NO NOOOOO. We seem to have conquered the feeling , burnt it to ashes but let the clock enter the third hour it rises again like the phoenix. We start becoming restless and by the fourth hour we are so attracted by the smoking beauty that we need to have a drag. Only one drag we think and soon that one drag goes to two and three and the one after food, the one for bathroom and the one before sleep. And again we wake up with the NO MORE promise. One of my roommate in a deep philosophical trance once claimed -"We are assholes". So true.
The only way I felt to counter is start thinking about now. Now is the time. Start living in NOW. The hardest task can be achieved if we live in NOW. It ironical that to leave a Cigarette addiction all we need to do is procrastinate . No smoke now. Postpone it for Now. That same procrastination that was making us laid back is making us proactive. Postpone the smoking. All we need is to direct the energy into the right direction. Well look blabbering helped. I just can't stop. In fact I am so pumped up that I can go on to write one more. Its just like the beer. Once you start you can never stop at one.
The only way I felt to counter is start thinking about now. Now is the time. Start living in NOW. The hardest task can be achieved if we live in NOW. It ironical that to leave a Cigarette addiction all we need to do is procrastinate . No smoke now. Postpone it for Now. That same procrastination that was making us laid back is making us proactive. Postpone the smoking. All we need is to direct the energy into the right direction. Well look blabbering helped. I just can't stop. In fact I am so pumped up that I can go on to write one more. Its just like the beer. Once you start you can never stop at one.
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